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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You should meet yourself.

You don’t post those anymore (you used to until I beat you up over ridiculous lies and suppositions about Biden with proven facts about Trump, once again proving the accusation is an admission) because there’s absolutely zero evidence of any such thing, but tons and tons of payoffs, multiple unreported hidden secret foreign Trump “bribe me here” accounts including but not limited to unreported accounts in Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Grenada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Qatar, South Korea, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom, actual trades and offers to trade personal payments/favors to Trump/fam for stolen top secret classified documents PROVEN against Trump, and multiple actual trials against him for criminal abuses of office, absolutely nothing against Biden besides ridiculous whining liars, like you.

I would say you should stop looking stupid, but you are what you are…with you it’s not a “look”.

Everything I posted is fact, court filings and actual reporting of what those involved said (with no opinion added).
Remember, you recently posted gleefully about the one Democrat ACCUSED of having child porn…no conviction there…why jump the gun? Why can’t you ever wait until news is “real”….or is the definition of “real” or the “rule” different for you than everyone else…or can you dish it out but are way too thin skinned to take it? *ding ding ding ding

Tell me what isn’t legit. I double dog dare you….can’t call you a tool, tools are useful. You are a fool, and a willing one.

I know you wish I would stop rubbing your party’s constant, unbelievable, history making criminality in your face daily…but more is prosecuted and more are convicted daily, more top Republicans are convicted in $60 million bribery schemes, more go on the run from the law daily, more terrorist Maggots are fleeing to Belarus and Russia to avoid extradition daily. Certainly you want to know what your team is up to/dragging you into.

bobknight33 said:

You are the most gullible person I know.

Biden /China/ Ukraine payoffs are more legit story. I dont post those because nothing has yet to come of those.

Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.

Till then just stop begin a blind tool.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You are the most gullible person I know.

Biden /China/ Ukraine payoffs are more legit story. I dont post those because nothing has yet to come of those.

Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.

Till then just stop begin a blind tool.

newtboy said:

Trump Media and Technology Group as of late last year has been under investigation for potentially being involved in a Russian money laundering scheme.
Toth Senchal was hemorrhaging money, and had a year wait before their planned (now cancelled) merger, so Trump went begging to Russia.
2 Caribbean banks owned in large part by a Putin ally and Russian oligarch loaned Toth Senchal $8 million…the company’s CFO warned at the time this was Russian money coming from sanctioned Russians and should be returned but they couldn’t afford to give it back so they fired the CFO instead…he’s talking.
This IS a CRIMINAL investigation, with DJT and little Jr both listed as CEO, both signed off on these loans from Putin. Just one more criminal case involving MAGA selling influence to Russia.

Bonus- Georgia criminal grand jury interviews sound disastrous for Trump.
“A lot’s going to come out sooner or later and it’s going to be massive. It’s gonna be massive.”
“If every person in America knew every word of the information we knew, this country would not be divided as it is right now.”
“I became more jaded about American politics when it became clear some witnesses would say one thing about the election under oath then casting doubt on the system when they returned to the campaign trail sometimes hours later.”
Not what you want to hear as a defendant in America’s most massive election fraud ever, the big lie.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Because I’m pretty sure you didn’t look up Larry Householder and Matt Borges…

The government proved beyond a reasonable doubt at trial that Householder and his enterprise conspired to violate the racketeering statute through honest services wire fraud, receipt of millions of dollars in bribes and money laundering.
The conspiracy involved nearly $61 million in bribes paid to a 501(c) entity to pass and uphold a billion-dollar nuclear plant bailout.

More MAGA corruption from the base to the top, selling out the people for cash. It’s what your party is all about. More MAGA convictions than every other party combined in the countries history, serious thought and effort put into dissolving the United States, and an attempted coup…and MAGA is only 7 years old.

Bonus- Top MAGA Republican backer and Steve Bannon partner and friend “Guo Wengui” was just arrested and criminally charged for engaging in a $1 billion fraudulent investment scheme.
And sweet zombie Jeebus, seems CPAC was proudly sponsored by “the new federalist state of China”, the CCP. Weird that today’s Republican Party is chummy with and in awe of Putin and Xi and despise American government and democracies.

Ex-CDC Director suddenly kept out of the Covid loop

newtboy says...

Disgraced Trumpist lies about history, science, and his actions/statements.

Morons think this is evidence of something besides Trump’s utterly disastrous covid response, praising China and Xi and completely denying COVID’s dangers, needlessly costing a minimum of 500000 American lives and trillions of dollars wasted according to his own appointees.

What the report she mischaracterized said was genetic studies had PROVEN the virus was not genetically modified or “created” by any known unnatural process, (a conspiracy theory the right tried to float) so the theory that it had been CREATED in a lab was proven false. Banana republicans are too dumb or dishonest to make that clear.

What they also love to ignore is the eradication of our international pandemic response teams that had been stationed in countries world wide including China before Trump closed their offices, and they would have been on scene in September when the first cases were discovered not only to definitively identify the source, but to start efforts to combat it 8 months earlier that the Trump administration did. That could have completely prevented the pandemic, and would have offered the opportunity to properly respond well before it came to America, saving well over a million American lives and up to $16 TRILLION dollars.

Too bad Banana republicans have such selective memories. It make any discussion with them a fight over reality, because they always deny reality and history and think their conspiratorial fantasy holds more weight than scientific facts.

Edit: downvoted into oblivion in under an hour! Good job sift.
This type of history rewriting propaganda has no place anywhere, especially in congress, and should be plucked like a weed and burned with fire every time it pokes itself above ground.
Pedal your silly propaganda on Toth Senchal where it’s not just accepted it’s celebrated.

Tesla is Crushing GM & Ford Financially

newtboy says...

So, they’re only $6 billion in the hole and are just getting competition from the big 3.
Where’s that Tesla truck?
Stock/corporate value dropped by over half in the last year.

Tesla is under multiple criminal investigations for self driving autopilot failures causing deaths….a main selling point that may be outlawed soon.

Tesla made more profit because they reinvested much less….multiple billions less. Not a good sign in an industry based on engineering advancements. Sounds like they know a hammer is coming and are going for maximizing short term profit at the expense of long term viability.
Their massive capitol expenditures were largely losses at their plants they can’t get to profitable production levels yet, like China, not building more gigafactories. If the highly automated factories (explaining the higher profit per employee despite fewer vehicles produced per employee) you have can’t get parts to make cars, making more factories would be stupid. GM and Ford are building newer highly automated factories, and have cut in line at Chinese chip manufacturers because they order more chips. Supply shortages continue to plague Tesla.

Sorry, Bob, your track record of investment advice is horrendous. You said go all in on Tesla at $400! You said buy more and hold onto it for the long term as it plunged to 135 and as you were selling yours. Now you claim Tesla is crushing GM and Ford while it’s still DEEP in debt and losing customers and not reinvesting in itself. Couldn’t be you’re lying for personal gain….could it?

Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Seen Over Montana

newtboy says...

Reports say this is the second time since Biden took office they have done this.
The same reports say they did it 3 times during Trump’s administration with no repercussions or even reaction.
Now China is saying because we shot it down (after it had finished it’s surveillance route) they will shoot down any balloons that cross China….as if that’s a change.

Has Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far

newtboy says...

Dishonest drivel by ridiculous ignorami who talk like snobby arrogant 12 year olds with a chip on their shoulders.

Really….he claims indoor plumbing is a major climate change driver, or a symbol of “wokeness”? Wtf is he talking about? More proof that he’s simply rambling nonsense to a crowd or braying morons in suits applauding every insult of the left, not making any valid points.

If enough people press that button to do everything to save their child at all costs without a thought to consequences, every child in the next generation has 5 times the likelihood of not surviving his first year, button or no, and the next 10 times the death rate, and the next 25times….and if everyone pushes that button, it guarantees a near 100% infant death rate this century. There are many ways to improve infant mortality rates without adding to greenhouse emissions….the best being STOP HAVING CHILDREN YOU CANNOT SUPPORT or FEED.

Undeveloped India is going to largely dissolve before they advance technologically. Over 2/3 of the water in that region comes from glaciers….glaciers in many cases expected to be gone completely by 2030. That’s almost 2 billion people suddenly with no water source. There is no technological way to replace that amount of water, never mind the money and energy. Therefore the India and China emission issues he claims are upcoming will likely largely solve themselves as they will be the spearhead of the first major wave of our extinction.

BTW, the comatose (the un-woke) admitted they actually want to ban women in red states from traveling legally because they could get in a car and drive/move to a state where abortion is legal….and they know their HUGELY unpopular plan to make an anti abortion federal law (funny it’s no longer a states rights thing) is a non starter.
So much for freedom.
They also are moving to ban contraception, sodomy, homosexuality, literally any sex that doesn’t lead to unwanted children except heterosexual sex with pre-pubescent girls….they’re in favor of THAT, and have written multiple bills attempting to legalizing it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today Trump admitted he gave stolen highly classified top secrets to China.

Also today antivax Diamond dead of Covid. Antivax Silk may be next. 🤦‍♂️

Sounds like also today Trump asked Republicans to default on the debt, because the resulting economic destruction would help him in 2024.

Today Republicans also announced they’re defunding and castrating the house ethics committee….they have no use for ethics, they have none.
They also announced the weaponization of the investigative committee by announcing an investigation into “the weaponization of the FBI” (but not any weaponization before Jan 20, 2020 when it was a pure shallow state club used against political opponents at the president’s explicit directions).
They also announced their investigations of all the investigations over their vote fraud schemes, election fraud schemes, and coup attempt….investigated by the very people who were under investigation for treason. That’s the Republican Party, pure self serving anti-American, unethical, immoral, and despotic.

Also today turns out election denier and fugitive “Santos” took another page from Trump’s playbook by taking illegal contributions from deported criminal foreign nationals…people convicted of gun and drug running and human smuggling (Chinese nationals he snuck in from Nassau). He was deported, but still gave Santos illegal cash donations among other donations, including over $25k in unreported free food for his campaign.
Also turns out he paid a staff member (allegedly) $100k to impersonate McCarthyks chief of staff on phone calls.
Santos is the face of the Republican Party. He exemplifies exactly what Trump turned it into. Frauds and liars, the lot of you are nothing but. Sure, some may SAY Santos should resign, but not one has called for his expulsion, or even a delay in swearing him in, and actions scream louder than whispered words they don’t mean.

Also today the republicans voted to defund the IRS because they are terrified the 2000 new investigators tasked with auditing people who make over $400k but pay no taxes will catch them being tax frauds. FYI, not a single dollar of the funding would go towards auditing anyone making under $400k per year. It’s hiring 87000 employees over a 10 year period the bill funds, well over 50000 of which replace retiring workers, over 30000 hire new workers to fill long empty positions (so maybe Americans wouldn’t have to wait 6+ months for their refund check). This would add trillions to the debt and the only protect criminals at the expense of every honest taxpayer.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Why not, if you had gotten away with it for decades by “buying politicians” ?

The truth here is his taxes prove his shady dealings by what’s missing…like a $15 million “gift” from China he didn’t report (among others). Also by devaluations property he over valued for loans. That’s bank fraud.
He thought he kept the foreign bribes off his taxes, like the $15 million handout from China he didn’t pay taxes on anywhere. The problem is fewer and fewer people are willing to take the hit for him, and it’s all coming home to roost.
Remember, he immediately installed his people in the treasury and IRS, people who bent and broke long standing rules and laws to HIDE his taxes from everyone including congress while not doing the required audits he falsely claimed were ongoing.

There’s so much there there that multiple officers in his businesses pleaded guilty to multiple frauds on his behalf. If you think he was close to honest with his taxes, you’re blatantly lying to yourself now.

I attempt to sway people to be pro-fact. That just happens to always mean anti-trump because he is anti-fact.

Those FBI troll taht were on Twitter? I see you’ve bought more delusional lies without looking at facts…if I decipher the pigeon correctly. I assume you’re referencing the exaggeration about the “Twitter files” that claim some such nonsense despite the report saying nothing of the sort….but you wouldn’t read it, you might learn something (don’t worry, it’s highly unlikely based on your past).

More projection, more baseless accusations that are in reality blatant admissions. You’ve lost all credibility to the point where it’s more than reasonable to reply to any accusation with gratitude for the admission of your own guilt. It’s obvious who is the fool, who is the troll, and who offers verifiable fact with references as arguments, I have zero fear that even a few agree with you (that aren’t your sock puppets).

bobknight33 said:

If I were to do shady illegal deals I would not want it on my Taxes.

So Again no there here.
Net are you 1 of those FBI troll taht were on Twitter ? You sure do you best to sway people. to be Anti Trump.

OR are you just a fooled troll?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wow. Ok, we can agree that far about China policies. They went too far, and now too lax.

Well….1/2 off something overpriced by 10x isn’t great, that’s why PE ratio matters. I think 25 is super high, but by today’s standards it’s average. 90+ was insane.

You have blamed him for the economy, as if he didn’t inherit 2020’s remains, but I’m just glad you’re willing to share/spread blame. A good step. Kudos.
Don’t know what QE and helicopter $ is.

Supply chain issues are global. It’s hard to blame anyone for even a majority. IMO they have been getting better slowly from 2020….I’m not in manufacturing though.

Gas policy? Explain please. My understanding is gas/oil production is up under Biden….oil company profits certainly are. Analysis indicates their increased profit margins accounted for over 1/2 the increased prices. I’m glad I have some energy stocks in my portfolio.
Remember, Trump policy was to sell our refining capabilities to the Saudis, who then decreased production and increased prices.

bobknight33 said:

""""Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?"""""""

Communist welding doors shut and shutting down cities -- I dont agree what they have done over and over. They dont have a good vaccine and now all is lifted. My current issue is that this too will leak out and their variant will hit the globe.

Tesla at 300 at 200 is a good price 1/2 off of anything is a good price. Now we see 60 to 70% off and getting better.

This down turn will end and go back up. If not in recession, which I think we are by a slim definition - we will be in Q1 or Q2.

I didn't blame Biden for all of this. This started way before Biden. All the QE and all the helicopter $ Trump and Biden gave out. This is causing supply chain issue and probably see some deflation on some products.

Now the FED trying to pull that $ back out of the market,

Biden gas policies and all the spending does not help and causing inflation on some fronts. I just think that his policies are the straw that broke the camel back.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

""""Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?"""""""

Communist welding doors shut and shutting down cities -- I dont agree what they have done over and over. They dont have a good vaccine and now all is lifted. My current issue is that this too will leak out and their variant will hit the globe.

Tesla at 300 at 200 is a good price 1/2 off of anything is a good price. Now we see 60 to 70% off and getting better.

This down turn will end and go back up. If not in recession, which I think we are by a slim definition - we will be in Q1 or Q2.

I didn't blame Biden for all of this. This started way before Biden. All the QE and all the helicopter $ Trump and Biden gave out. This is causing supply chain issue and probably see some deflation on some products.

Now the FED trying to pull that $ back out of the market,

Biden gas policies and all the spending does not help and causing inflation on some fronts. I just think that his policies are the straw that broke the camel back.

newtboy said:

He’s already said he won’t step down, and has gop support. They can’t very well remove him for lying and stay themselves. there’s no way in hell the GOP thinks him lying about literally everything but his name (and has anyone checked on that?) is more important than his expected MAGA vote.

That’s good you cashed out, but absolutely disgusting that you continued to suggest others buy while you were cashing out. If you told the truth and were still buying at 400 for the long haul last year like you were shouting to anyone who would listen, you lost at least 1/3-1/2 your investment by selling around 200. If you had listened to many here instead of obstinately contradicting all advice, you would have doubled what you got out.

Just last week you were saying I was wrong when I said it was going to crash. You said it was a great time to buy. It’s crash has nothing to do with an imaginary recession and little to do with fed rate hikes, it’s pure mismanagement that tanked them. Tesla has crashed twice as hard as average car companies.

Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?

Amazon got hit, I don’t know why, I don’t have any (but might grab some) so haven’t watched it. Meta was never going to succeed, it was an idiotic idea to retry “second life” with billions invested and no demand.

Many growth stocks are growing. My portfolio is growing, not crashing.

Again, there’s no recession. You just want to pretend there’s one to blame Biden. GDP grew 3.2% in q3 and is expected to be 3.7% q4.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He’s already said he won’t step down, and has gop support. They can’t very well remove him for lying and stay themselves. there’s no way in hell the GOP thinks him lying about literally everything but his name (and has anyone checked on that?) is more important than his expected MAGA vote.

That’s good you cashed out, but absolutely disgusting that you continued to suggest others buy while you were cashing out. If you told the truth and were still buying at 400 for the long haul last year like you were shouting to anyone who would listen, you lost at least 1/3-1/2 your investment by selling around 200. If you had listened to many here instead of obstinately contradicting all advice, you would have doubled what you got out.

Just last week you were saying I was wrong when I said it was going to crash. You said it was a great time to buy. It’s crash has nothing to do with an imaginary recession and little to do with fed rate hikes, it’s pure mismanagement that tanked them. Tesla has crashed twice as hard as average car companies.

Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?

Amazon got hit, I don’t know why, I don’t have any (but might grab some) so haven’t watched it. Meta was never going to succeed, it was an idiotic idea to retry “second life” with billions invested and no demand.

Many growth stocks are growing. My portfolio is growing, not crashing.

Again, there’s no recession. You just want to pretend there’s one to blame Biden. GDP grew 3.2% in q3 and is expected to be 3.7% q4.

bobknight33 said:

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

newtboy said:

Santos has now admitted everything he claimed about himself was an outright lie.
He never worked for the companies he claimed.
He never graduated from anywhere.
His grandparents didn’t flee the holocaust.
His animal rescue charity is a total fraud that never rescued animals.
He was homeless, pennyless, and jobless, then 1 year later somehow loaned his campaign $700000 he claimed he made running a family real estate company that owns no real estate and has no clients.
And don’t forget he’s actually in real life a fugitive from Brazil that stole check books from the elderly invalids his mother cared for and bankrupted them by stealing all their money.
Guaranteed no Republican/MAGgot thinks any of that disqualifies him in any way, but would be absolutely insistent he never be sworn in if it were a Democrat lying about any one of these things.
More MAGA lies and liars, more MAGA criminals. Everyone of you is a liar, every single thing you say is a lie or at best delusional.

Tesla’s down ANOTHER 8% today. Oof.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not everything….my portfolio is growing quite a bit, not shrinking by 63% this year. It grew almost 3% today alone….how about yours?
You mean that “covid dip” when it rose to 400 per share during covid and you were screaming “buy! Go all in now!”? ROTFLMFAHS! WTF are you talking about?
Tesla sells the vast majority of its cars to liberals. Tesla has massively turned off liberals (35% positive to under 10% positive) right as other options came on the market, and gotten slightly more popular (20% positive up to 25%) among conservatives who unfortunately for Tesla don’t buy electric cars. Tesla is unlikely to ever get most back. You should understand, Tesla’s days of near monopoly are over, Musk has to sell tens of billions of Tesla stock to pay his debts, which will drive it MUCH lower. You’ll be lucky if it ever gets this good again….and it’s guaranteed to go lower soon. It’s a good time to short, not buy.
FYI- Tesla cut prices by 9%+- in China, and $4k in the US because it seems so many preordered cars have had their orders cancelled and there’s a glut of unsold cars. Not exactly the booming business predicted. That 50% growth is sounding wildly optimistic right now….because today they’re shrinking. 🤦‍♂️

Jan 6 hearings were bi partisan. MAGgot Republicans didn’t want an independent investigation, and all but boycotted this one. No whining now, you asked to be left out.
To paraphrase Roger Stone…You lost. Democracy won. Fuck you. No. You lost. Fuck you!
The insurrection was a one sided seditious act, and a circle jerk by morons. It would be impossible to not find any crimes to refer. What they found is way more than enough to put him in prison for life.
Funny how you LOVE one sided investigations of liberals, like all 12 Clinton investigations, and the planned Hunter Biden investigation (that is a pure partisan one sided planned congressional investigation of a private citizen…a real nothing burger) and all the moronic “investigations “ that are the totality of the Republican platform, but denounce bipartisan investigations of Cons as “one sided”. Pick one. Are one sided investigations just theater? Then call out all the MAGA theater. Are they serious and legitimate? Then find a new baseless fantasy accusation against the Jan 6 committee.

Naaa, friendo. Me and the official ANTIFA organization go to battle fully naked covered in vaseline and glitter. Makes it impossible to keep hold of us, and forces uncomfortable explanations when our enemies get home to their wives sweaty, covered in Vaseline and glitter claiming they were at work!

bobknight33 said:

150 and falling just like everything else. Fud not helping but a great time to buy... I still expect it to go lower. Im sitting in cash.. If I were to buy today I would pick up an extra 1500 shares. FYI TESLA firing on all cylinders 50% growth YoY expected. These opportunities only come around every decade or so. The 2020 Covid dip was also a great time to take advantage of . Did you? I did.

The globe is in a recession not just Tesla -- Compare to Amazon and see.
Average recession lasts 18 months. Q1/Q2 2023 will be worse.

Jan 6 hearings was 1 sided -- a circle jerk committee . I would be surprised id the "didn't" find anything to refusal......... Just BS

No biker gear-- that's newt and his Antifa buddies.

How Trump Is Playing Kamala Harris Like A Video Game

newtboy says...

Since birth. Trump feels threatened constantly, every single day, by every person he meets. It’s obvious. (Insecurity is linked to mental health conditions such as narcissism, anxiety, paranoia, and addictive or dependent personalities….sound familiar?)

His personality is one of pure insecurity.

Seriously, when has Trump NOT felt threatened by anyone?

That’s why he demands total compliance, fawning, adulation, and 100% public agreement or you’re his next target.….he can’t stand it if anyone disagrees with him about anything, or doesn’t give him preferential treatment, or isn’t puckered enough to kiss his unwiped ass.

The fact that he expects everyone else to compromise for him, but can’t fathom the reverse also indicates clinical insecurity.

That’s why he insisted people only get to know what he claims about himself….no tax disclosures, no financial disclosures, no putting his holdings into a blind trust, no registering as an agent for multiple hostile foreign powers (like Russia, N Korea, Saudi Arabia, and China, all of which helped “fund his presidency” (by which I mean bribed his family to the tune of multiple billions in return for classified information, preferential treatment, and ignoring treaties (like our obligation by treaty to give a strong, even nuclear military response to aggressive expansion in Ukraine.))). He’s terrified people will hate him if they know him.

That’s how people who feel constantly threatened act, not strong, secure people, but weak insecure people act that way, buddy. That you guy. That you pick. A cowardly baby conman who is anti constitution, anti democracy, and anti American….just like his cultists.
Your cowardly silence since the election is just more evidence. Where’s your red tsunami I was pissing into? Where’s the bravado and certitude? Where’s the unearned vitriol and threats? All evaporated in a puff of reality.

bobknight33 said:

Seriously when has Trump felt threatened by anyone?

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