Shepppard says...

Also not sure if this is a bug or if this is some preference that I haven't been able to find yet, but why is there no day/night option for profiles?

looking at my own profile right now is defaulted to "day" mode, and hurts the eyes >,<

lucky760 says...

Unintentional comment quoting is fixed.

The user listings in the Talk sidebar are fixed.

@doogle - You can see comments in video listings by clicking the little icon under the video. You can "minimize" the video by clicking "minimize" once it's expanded in a listing. You can expand video descriptions inline on video listing pages without loading the video page.

@dotdude - Lounge is under the Sift Talk tab now. Existing charters need do nothing.

Shepppard says...

Just looking through some of the new things on my profile, the "Your posts with bookmarks" section is giving me quite a few doubles of the same video on this list.

Also, the number is definitely wrong. The reason I was going through it in the first place was because I was relatively sure my videos hadn't accumulated 70345 bookmarks.

Shepppard says...

and, for that matter, my submitted videos are completely random now, too.

Not alphabetical, not by vote, and the first video there is the one I submitted last week, with the second being one I submitted three years ago, then 2 years ago, and so on.

lucky760 says...

This has been fixed.

Shepppard said:

Just looking through some of the new things on my profile, the "Your posts with bookmarks" section is giving me quite a few doubles of the same video on this list.

Also, the number is definitely wrong. The reason I was going through it in the first place was because I was relatively sure my videos hadn't accumulated 70345 bookmarks.

lucky760 says...

They were being shown by newest publish date. I've modified it to display by newest submission.

Shepppard said:

and, for that matter, my submitted videos are completely random now, too.

Not alphabetical, not by vote, and the first video there is the one I submitted last week, with the second being one I submitted three years ago, then 2 years ago, and so on.

messenger says...

1. Fonts don't scale with zoom in Chrome -- the sizes of blocks change. It's like 7 or 8 pointt font on my large monitor. Scales fine in IE.

2. Generally, fonts that appear on the fabric background are hard to read regardless of their colour or size.

ChaosEngine says...

The layout on iOS is sub-optimal. You can't zoom and it's hard to hit the quote button to reply.

Also, the top 15s, top rated comments,etc all appear in one vertical column.

But I'm loving the clean, dieter rams aesthetic on desktop browsers. Kudos

edit: actually, one complaint. On chrome anyway the "top new videos" sidebar, the video titles seem to have some sort of white embossing. It makes it really hard to read.

messenger says...

Before the last confirm when submitting my latest video, there was a large "1" next to the video like I'd already up-voted it. I thought, neat feature -- save me the bother, but showing up one screen too soon. When I submitted it, it was back to zero and I still had to upvote.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

When you say iOS, do you mean iPhone or iPad? iPhone is pretty minimal, in a single column - but iPad is full-featured.

ChaosEngine said:

The layout on iOS is sub-optimal. You can't zoom and it's hard to hit the quote button to reply.

Also, the top 15s, top rated comments,etc all appear in one vertical column.

But I'm loving the clean, dieter rams aesthetic on desktop browsers. Kudos

edit: actually, one complaint. On chrome anyway the "top new videos" sidebar, the video titles seem to have some sort of white embossing. It makes it really hard to read.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hey oritteropo - I hate to be the bringer of bad news - but I think we decided to disable group playlists- as they weren't getting a lot of love. :-(

oritteropo said:

Where is the playlist group membership control hiding? I had enough trouble finding it before, so might have just overlooked it...

oritteropo says...

Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Managing them had been broken for a while anyway.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hey oritteropo - I hate to be the bringer of bad news - but I think we decided to disable group playlists- as they weren't getting a lot of love. :-(

kulpims says...

I have trouble with thumbnails. just posted some Vimeo embeds and linked thumb URLs, but they're not displayed ...
edit: videos are tagged NSFW -- does that have anything to do with it?

lucky760 says...

That's just a preview to give you an idea what the post will look like. We could make it so when you submit it is auto-up-voted, but 1) all attempts to add that have been shot down in the past and 2) there are (rare) occasions where you don't necessarily want to upvote the video you're submitting.

kulpims said:

"submit video" page is too dark. and before you confirm the new submission, the vote counter shows 1 vote, then goes back to 0

oritteropo says...

I think that depends on your setup. On an iphone it looks gorgeous and is quite readable and I like the fact that much more of the site appears accessible with the mobile version... but the little controls are quite tiny, and I'm not sure how the fat-fingered would go. I used to switch back to the desktop version so I could zoom in, but this is no longer an option (or, if it is, how?). This is the only one of @ChaosEngine's complaints that bothers me.

On a desktop PC with a huge screen the fonts are about spot on (at least in comments). It seems to work a bit better on a PC than a Mac, but I haven't managed to put my finger on what the difference is.

The new comment scheme is a huge success

nock said:

Small fonts and color scheme = hard to read.

oritteropo says...

One sifter in particular likes to be the 10th voter to see the vid sift. Sometimes he misses

lucky760 said:

That's just a preview to give you an idea what the post will look like. We could make it so when you submit it is auto-up-voted, but 1) all attempts to add that have been shot down in the past and 2) there are (rare) occasions where you don't necessarily want to upvote the video you're submitting.

NaMeCaF says...

Maybe not a bug (but definitely an oversight) - there's no connection between the particular video and your comments in the My Recent Comments. It just looks like a bunch of random comments about nothing in particular.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The connection is in the datestamp of the comment, in the bottom.

NaMeCaF said:

Maybe not a bug (but definitely an oversight) - there's no connection between the particular video and your comments in the My Recent Comments. It just looks like a bunch of random comments about nothing in particular.

lucky760 says...

Must be your eyes as those things are exactly the same color (#acacac).

Stingray said:

The comment upvote/downvote and number appear much greyer than the rest of the other text. Makes it appear like it is disabled. Suggest making it the same as the other text.

spoco2 says...

hrefs in comments appear broken. Let me try...

link back to vs

Ahh, no, it's not any link, it's this particular link, I'm guessing because of the extra http:// in it

<a rel="nofollow" href="<a rel="nofollow" href="">">BROKEN!

lucky760 says...

@dag and @everyone-else - There was a white text shadow in the Top 15 sidebar text and that's what was making it so hard to read. It has been removed, so the links there should be much easier to read now.

messenger says...

Not a bug, but a design thing: not always, but often enough to be annoying, when I go to upvote a video, I trigger the "Videos" rollover thing. Sometimes I get rid of it, and sometimes I've already clicked and go somewhere else accidentally.

I find instant rollover behaviour very annoying generally, so I'm hoping you can add in a tiny delay.

PlayhousePals says...

Since my unsifted quota is full, I wanted to submit a YT video using two power points but the validate box doesn't respond after I type in the imbed code. It also didn't respond when I just wanted to just validate the video code [to be sure it hadn't already been submitted]

Operator error?

Shepppard says...

67 comments, and i'm tired, so sorry if this has been posted.

But on certain videos, if you view the comments in a popout, charter members have their comment box condensed to the size of the post. If, for example, it's as long as this one, it's fine.

But when it's only a single word for invoking a channel, it looks really silly to have a 1 inch coloured comment, and the rest of the, I guess this is a chat bubble, but the rest of it is just black.

PlayhousePals says...

I just invoked a quality designation on a video that impressed me but fail to see if it boosted anywhere [or had any effect at all]. I also believe that there should be more than three promoted videos on display. Maybe an arrow to click at the end of the three to bring up more?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I can confirm that it's on the front page - about the 5th one down - but admittedly didn't put it to the top.

PlayhousePals said:

I just invoked a quality designation on a video that impressed me but fail to see if it boosted anywhere [or had any effect at all]. I also believe that there should be more than three promoted videos on display. Maybe an arrow to click at the end of the three to bring up more?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Can you give us an example? I'm not seeing it.

Shepppard said:

67 comments, and i'm tired, so sorry if this has been posted.

But on certain videos, if you view the comments in a popout, charter members have their comment box condensed to the size of the post. If, for example, it's as long as this one, it's fine.

But when it's only a single word for invoking a channel, it looks really silly to have a 1 inch coloured comment, and the rest of the, I guess this is a chat bubble, but the rest of it is just black.

lucky760 says...

It's the 6th video from the top on the homepage (when viewed by hotness). Are you viewing by newness?

PlayhousePals said:

I just invoked a quality designation on a video that impressed me but fail to see if it boosted anywhere [or had any effect at all]. I also believe that there should be more than three promoted videos on display. Maybe an arrow to click at the end of the three to bring up more?

PlayhousePals says...

Definite glitch in video uploads for me. A spot opened up in my unsifted queue so I tried to post a new video from YT. After a copy and paste of the embed code, the validate video bar did not respond. I had to add and use the Toolbar Videosift Submit Link to get it to validate and eventually post successfully.

Since my queue was again full, I thought I try for an extra post using my 2 power points. Once again I had to use the toolbar link to get the YT submission to validate. After filling out the necessary information I clicked on the continue box to check for dupes and instead was taken to the VideoSift Bookmarklet page.

That can't be right ... riiight?

ant says...

Whenever a video finally get ten votes to be shown on the home page (sorted by newness), it is not posted on the very top. I am missing these videos since they are at the bottom or next page(s).

Also, I don't seem to get e-mail notifications when someone reply to me?

Hybrid says...

On a person's profile page, where you can now choose to gift them some power points, could you make it so the number selection is limited to what is actually possible, based on their limits and my available power points?

Shepppard says...

Best I can do is tell you that the front page has a vid called "Black Friday 2012 Fights At Wal Mart Over Phones" and popping out the chat shows a comment by Charliem, saying something about savages.

The comment is half the size of the speech bubble for me.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Can you give us an example? I'm not seeing it.

pumkinandstorm says...

This page as well as pages/videos that have a lot of comments take a VERY long time to load on my computer. It used to come up for me pretty much immediately before but even after 10 minutes now it still hasn't loaded for me and this comment is hard to write because the letters can't catch up to my typing speed. Everything is just soooo slow.

Also, I have been submitting videos and it's not until after I fill in all the information about them and submit them that it tells me that the video is a dupe. Before it used to tell me this before I entered in all the information. I miss that.

Sorry if someone has already addressed these problems but I can't seem to scroll through this page without it freezing.

Sagemind says...

Why are all the video thumbnails such bad quality?
I'm looking at them and they are fuzzy, blurry and almost look like they have a screen filter on them. It is possible that the thumbnail process is compressing the images too much creating extensive compression artifact but I don't think that's it. To me they all look like what you would get if you filmed your TV screen with a low resolution video camera and then made a JPG out of it. Just plain ol' low quality.

Why are the comment text boxes so small?
Text boxes, like the one I am typing in right now show about six lines of text. I assume it's to give that sleek/slim look to the page and not take up so much vertical real estate on the page. Sometimes slimmer isn't better. I have to constantly stop and scroll up and down just to read my one paragraph as I'm typing to make sure my sentences make sense. Never mind actually trying to see more of what I've written. It's not quite like reading a book through a pin-hole but it does feel awfully claustrophobic. - Oh hold on... There's a corner I can pull and make the text box window larger - nice. You still may or may not want to set the default box size to text lines of text, at least.

mintbbb says...

I have noticed a few things, I THINK they haven't been mentioned here yet:

I don't see if/when a video is 'killed'. Meaning, this is a dupe of my video:

It got dupeof'd, so it redirects. But the dupe does not look 'killed' - and now of course I have already forgotten, how you could see if a video was killed in previous VS. There was a tag or something? Looking at my discarded and killed own videos, I see no flags,tags or anything.. mebbe I am too tired atm..

Also with dead videos.. the only indication seems to be 'fix the embed' link.

Anyway, with the dupe: the votes have been transerred, but I still see all the voters of the dupe. However, I do not see any comments on the dupe. I guess now 'comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.' is true.

And, I chose the dark background. However, I get flipped between light and dark when I click on different things. It flips to light when I click on my profile, or my unsifted queue. Or sifted.. Turns back to dark when I click to frontpage etc.

Btw, where is the dead pool? So far I haven't been able to find it

And one more thing: I cannot seem to pinch and zoom/stretch with any mobile device any more.

Sorry if these bugs have been mentioned, or if I am crazy and imagining things!

In general, awesome job! Thanks a bunch @dag and @lucky760!

EDIT: Oh, I see the 'Killed' and 'Discarded' tags now. Either you fixed that real fast, or I am more awake today!

PlayhousePals says...

Having to fill in the information BEFORE finding out it is a dupe is an annoyance for me as well.

As I mentioned before, the "validate embed code" box is NOT functioning for me at all and the ONLY way I can submit a video is by using the tool bar link [as opposed to the drop down link from My Videosift]. If it helps, I use Chrome and/or Firefox. The validate box does not work in either system.

pumkinandstorm said:

Also, I have been submitting videos and it's not until after I fill in all the information about them and submit them that it tells me that the video is a dupe. Before it used to tell me this before I entered in all the information. I miss that.

mxxcon says...

Please provide alternative dark background.
This current pattern for some reason makes my monitor go crazy. Something about it interferes with monitor's controller and makes everything kinda shake and jiggle. Very weird and I've never experienced it before.

pumkinandstorm says...

I had that problem at first when trying to submit videos as well...try pasting the link in the box and THEN press the enter key on your keyboard....that worked for me.

To follow up on the page loading delay/freezing issue...this page is loading up perfectly fine from my home computer. I guess my work computer is the problem.

PlayhousePals said:

Having to fill in the information BEFORE finding out it is a dupe is an annoyance for me as well.

As I mentioned before, the "validate embed code" box is NOT functioning for me at all and the ONLY way I can submit a video is by using the tool bar link [as opposed to the drop down link from My Videosift]. If it helps, I use Chrome and/or Firefox. The validate box does not work in either system.

PlayhousePals says...

YAY! That worked AND I was able to post an "extra" video to my maxed out unsifted queue using two power points with that method. [I wasn't able to do that before]. Thanks Jen

pumkinandstorm said:

I had that problem at first when trying to submit videos as well...try pasting the link in the box and THEN press the enter key on your keyboard....that worked for me.

jimnms says...

The new site is a resource hog. Tonight was the first time I've visited VS in a few days. I did as I normally do and opened several videos in background tabs. When I tried to watch a video it was extremely choppy. I thought it was that one video so I went on to the next, but they were all doing it. I then noticed my CPU fan was louder than normal, so I opened up Process Explorer and see Firefox using up 25% CPU (which is 100% of one core) and the memory usage was counting up like a clock.

I restarted Firefox and opened one video, but the video is still choppy. I opened the video in YouTube, and it was choppy there as well until I closed the VideoSift tab. Once the VideoSift tab was closed, the video played smoothly.

Right now with only this talk page open CPU usage constant around 10% and spiking up to 25% and even typing is laggy. I'm on Win7 64-bit with Firefox 17, Intel Core i5 quad core and 12GB RAM.

ant says...

Same problem in Firefox v17 in an updated Mac OS X 10.8.2 on my client's new 13" MacBook Pro:

$ top -u
Processes: 132 total, 2 running, 4 stuck, 126 sleeping, 594 threads 08:06:31
Load Avg: 1.06, 0.85, 1.00 CPU usage: 10.37% user, 3.53% sys, 86.8% idle
SharedLibs: 15M resident, 12M data, 0B linkedit.
MemRegions: 33217 total, 1493M resident, 65M private, 518M shared.
PhysMem: 1216M wired, 1738M active, 930M inactive, 3883M used, 4307M free.
VM: 322G vsize, 1058M framework vsize, 163854(2) pageins, 0(0) pageouts.
Networks: packets: 216196/213M in, 154539/18M out.
Disks: 93154/1760M read, 53341/2164M written.

2981 firefox 26.7 02:18.97 34 3 233+ 4004+ 716M+ 139M 979M+
2968 Terminal 10.1 00:10.04 7 3 157+ 373+ 16M+ 31M 34M+
3322 top 5.3 00:00.96 1/1 0 26 30 1092K 216K 1840K
1753 WindowServer 3.5 01:35.71 4 1 430- 1278- 17M- 47M- 61M-
52 hidd 3.3 01:15.74 5 3 90 68 1232K 288K 3180K
0 kernel_task 2.5 04:09.18 82/4 0 2 513+ 46M+ 0B 491M+
44 mds 0.9 01:51.20 9 7 214+ 362+ 103M+ 19M 105M+
1 launchd 0.7 00:02.92 3 0 412 44 1436K 380K 1932K
3313 mdworker 0.5 00:00.34 4 1 57 73 5836K 2760K 12M
43 mtmd 0.3 00:05.73 6 5 75+ 73+ 6264K+ 11M 9100K+
1847 SystemUIServ 0.2 00:05.80 5 4 259+ 339 10M 36M 26M
53 fseventsd 0.1 00:03.44 81 1 314 216 7368K 216K 8072K
1848 Finder 0.1 00:01.83 4 3 178 354 10M 44M 33M
21 cfprefsd 0.0 00:01.46 5 5 164+ 53+ 1004K+ 224K 1712K

ant said:

I notice VS5 also shows slowdowns and higher CPU usages like in this SiftTalk even when idling.

ant says...

Yes, it needs page breaks.

pumkinandstorm said:

This page as well as pages/videos that have a lot of comments take a VERY long time to load on my computer. It used to come up for me pretty much immediately before but even after 10 minutes now it still hasn't loaded for me and this comment is hard to write because the letters can't catch up to my typing speed. Everything is just soooo slow.

Also, I have been submitting videos and it's not until after I fill in all the information about them and submit them that it tells me that the video is a dupe. Before it used to tell me this before I entered in all the information. I miss that.

Sorry if someone has already addressed these problems but I can't seem to scroll through this page without it freezing.

ant says...

Everyone seems to have this problem. VS5 needs to be tweaked.

jimnms said:

The new site is a resource hog. Tonight was the first time I've visited VS in a few days. I did as I normally do and opened several videos in background tabs. When I tried to watch a video it was extremely choppy. I thought it was that one video so I went on to the next, but they were all doing it. I then noticed my CPU fan was louder than normal, so I opened up Process Explorer and see Firefox using up 25% CPU (which is 100% of one core) and the memory usage was counting up like a clock.

I restarted Firefox and opened one video, but the video is still choppy. I opened the video in YouTube, and it was choppy there as well until I closed the VideoSift tab. Once the VideoSift tab was closed, the video played smoothly.

Right now with only this talk page open CPU usage constant around 10% and spiking up to 25% and even typing is laggy. I'm on Win7 64-bit with Firefox 17, Intel Core i5 quad core and 12GB RAM.

bareboards2 says...

The Booklet for posting vids --- it isn't filling in the time signature from YouTube. It never did for other sources, however YouTube was reliably completed. If that is gone, it is gone. I'll miss it....

oritteropo says...

I got that problem more in Camino, so have switched to Firefox 16.0.2. A browser restart might help? Even vs 4.2 would do something similar if you had enough tabs open, and left it running too long (might've been the other things it loads, like yt and ads though).

p.s. Something I should point out is that Camino is based on an older Firefox version. The likely difference is plug-ins.

Try running firefox in safe-mode and see if the problem goes away.

ant said:

Same problem in Firefox v17 in an updated Mac OS X 10.8.2 on my client's new 13" MacBook Pro:

$ top -u
Processes: 132 total, 2 running, 4 stuck, 126 sleeping, 594 threads 08:06:31
Load Avg: 1.06, 0.85, 1.00 CPU usage: 10.37% user, 3.53% sys, 86.8% idle
SharedLibs: 15M resident, 12M data, 0B linkedit.
MemRegions: 33217 total, 1493M resident, 65M private, 518M shared.
PhysMem: 1216M wired, 1738M active, 930M inactive, 3883M used, 4307M free.
VM: 322G vsize, 1058M framework vsize, 163854(2) pageins, 0(0) pageouts.
Networks: packets: 216196/213M in, 154539/18M out.
Disks: 93154/1760M read, 53341/2164M written.

2981 firefox 26.7 02:18.97 34 3 233+ 4004+ 716M+ 139M 979M+
2968 Terminal 10.1 00:10.04 7 3 157+ 373+ 16M+ 31M 34M+
3322 top 5.3 00:00.96 1/1 0 26 30 1092K 216K 1840K
1753 WindowServer 3.5 01:35.71 4 1 430- 1278- 17M- 47M- 61M-
52 hidd 3.3 01:15.74 5 3 90 68 1232K 288K 3180K
0 kernel_task 2.5 04:09.18 82/4 0 2 513+ 46M+ 0B 491M+
44 mds 0.9 01:51.20 9 7 214+ 362+ 103M+ 19M 105M+
1 launchd 0.7 00:02.92 3 0 412 44 1436K 380K 1932K
3313 mdworker 0.5 00:00.34 4 1 57 73 5836K 2760K 12M
43 mtmd 0.3 00:05.73 6 5 75+ 73+ 6264K+ 11M 9100K+
1847 SystemUIServ 0.2 00:05.80 5 4 259+ 339 10M 36M 26M
53 fseventsd 0.1 00:03.44 81 1 314 216 7368K 216K 8072K
1848 Finder 0.1 00:01.83 4 3 178 354 10M 44M 33M
21 cfprefsd 0.0 00:01.46 5 5 164+ 53+ 1004K+ 224K 1712K

ant says...

Before VS v5 never had this problem for all web browsers for me. I block ads too and even had new web browser sessions.

oritteropo said:

I got that problem more in Camino, so have switched to Firefox 16.0.2. A browser restart might help? Even vs 4.2 would do something similar if you had enough tabs open, and left it running too long (might've been the other things it loads, like yt and ads though).

p.s. Something I should point out is that Camino is based on an older Firefox version. The likely difference is plug-ins.

Try running firefox in safe-mode and see if the problem goes away.

ant says...

Dag, please make this a #1 priority to fix since many people seem to have this problem.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks for the info on the CPU resource usage. Some problems are a quick fix, others take some investigation. This one is the latter - bear with us.

messenger says...

On this vid: when I clicked on the comments button, rather than scrolling down to the comments, Everything up to the bottom 20% or so of the video disappeared up under the mouse-over menus and I couldn't get it back, like the centre panel had scrolled under it, but wouldn't scroll back. I opened a duplicate window and tried again, and this the whole video was gone, leaving only the "From YT..." description on down visible under the mouse-over menus. I haven't been able to duplicate it again.

I'm using Chrome on Win7 64-bit.

oritteropo says...

For me, it runs like a greased weasel with javascript disabled. Unfortunately playing videos and submitting comments require it, but the things that I could do were super fast.

lucky760 said:

As a quick test, can all of you who are experiencing the slowness issue please try turning off JavaScript in your browser to see if processing power returns to normal?

MilkmanDan says...

This isn't really a bug, but if any other users are running "lockdown-mode" Firefox like me (AdBlock Plus, Element Hiding Helper, NoScript, Cookie Monster, *and* RequestPolicy) and you don't see the comments section on any video pages, try allowing in both NoScript and RequestPolicy.

Old version of the page would load comments just fine with blocked in RequestPolicy, but it disappeared for me after the update until I made that change.

That combination of plugins for Firefox is a great way to have a whole lot of control over how much extra cruft a page can serve up to you, but I must admit it makes any first visit to a new site or domain a real bitch. Sometimes I just give up and fire up Chrome.

ant says...

Much better in my fully loaded SeaMonkey v2.14 web browser.

lucky760 said:

As a quick test, can all of you who are experiencing the slowness issue please try turning off JavaScript in your browser to see if processing power returns to normal?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Just an update on the CPU usage, we've gone back to the provider of most of the JavaScript libraries, PSD2HTML to see if they can provide some insight. Will update again soon.

ant says...

Thank you for the updates, Dag.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Just an update on the CPU usage, we've gone back to the provider of most of the JavaScript libraries, PSD2HTML to see if they can provide some insight. Will update again soon.

lucky760 says...

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

CC: @dag, @ant, @gorillaman, @mxxcon

ant says...

It seems better! I will let you know when I return later on if that changes.

lucky760 said:

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

CC: @dag, @ant, @gorillaman, @mxxcon

mxxcon says...

Yes, CPU usage in Chrome is much is better now(and I feel it's more responsive in Firefox and Opera too).

However, now I noticed that if I mouse-scroll down really quickly in Chrome I can momentarily see Chrome's default checkered background before it's covered by page's content..I don't remember that happening before.

lucky760 said:

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

CC: @dag, @ant, @gorillaman, @mxxcon

gorillaman says...

Yup, seems to be fixed. Hooray!

lucky760 said:

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

oritteropo says...

Fixed for me, I can (almost) go back to Camino now. Yay

I even worked out the video playback issue... turning off "prevent sites from changing, moving or resizing windows" fixes itfixed it once and then not again.

Thank you, you are a star

lucky760 said:

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

CC: @dag, @ant, @gorillaman, @mxxcon

maatc says...

I can´t scroll down past 20 Comments or so on a page. Posts just disappear behind the footer and no scrollbar appears. (Chrome)

In Sift Talk in can click on comments without opening the posts page and then scroll all the way down in the little preview box. That was the only way to post this comment, too.

jmd says...

What maatc said. Apparently if I do a manual page zoom the footer properly shows all the comments, but on any fresh page only the first dozen or so comments show and the footer cuts off the rest.

ctrlaltbleach says...

I have a bug for ya. I could only submit this comment or read the others from outside of this post on the main sift talk page by expanding it using the comments link. If I click on the title and go into the post itself the bottom or the footer of the page cuts off the rest of the list and the submit a comment section..

Also could someone explain the max accumulated points is that for Charters?

Oh forgot to mention Im using google Chrome.

Ok had a change to read some of the above comments see that its already been stated.

lucky760 says...

Regarding the slow loading of comments, please note that I've made it so listings of long comments will be loaded piecemeal, so you will no longer be waiting several minutes with no comments showing up, even on a post with > 100 comments.

Also, I've put in a hack to workaround the issue where content is getting hidden under the page footer. There may still be some related issues for the time being, but the worst of the trouble should be gone.

lucky760 says...

Unable to replicate. I'm using Firefox and did this:
1) Loaded
2) Clicked on a video thumbnail in the listing
3) The video embed appeared
3) Started playback on the video
4) Clicked the little comment icon below the video
5) The comment window expanded open
6) Nothing happened to the video; it continued playing

dystopianfuturetoday said:

When you are watching a video and click on the comment button, the video stops playing.

bareboards2 says...

Well, I am going to have to take a break from the Sift until this contrast issue is resolved. Which I hope is in the plans (I know you are getting lots of bug reports, much more important than this.)

It has gotten to the point that I come to the Sift and I have a headache within five minutes of straining to read. And I haven't even been here all that much -- I've been conditioned, I guess, over the past four days.

Grey on gray (and green). I'm dying here. (Why not black letters? Why the gray letters? I don't understand.... is it something to do with the mobile version? Does it look better there?)

Anyway. I guess I am on hiatus for awhile.... Rats.

mxxcon says...

I wouldn't call this a bug, more like a tweak, but I'd want every font to be increased +1..everything is small enough to be uncomfortable to read, especially comments.

Also with the new design I feel there's inconsistency between quote/reply/browse icons in the comment field and vote/spam/ignore text..

And please provide alternative dark background(maybe ability to just turn it off outright). My monitor is still going crazy from this one

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Font size and contrast has been some pretty consistent feedback from Sifters. We'll definitely be tweaking this in the near future.

WRT the dark freaking out on your monitor. I can't really understand this. Would you possibly be able to post a screen shot? Or is it the kind of thing that only looks weird on your monitor? (maybe you could take a picture of your screen with a camera?)

mxxcon said:

I wouldn't call this a bug, more like a tweak, but I'd want every font to be increased +1..everything is small enough to be uncomfortable to read, especially comments.

Also with the new design I feel there's inconsistency between quote/reply/browse icons in the comment field and vote/spam/ignore text..

And please provide alternative dark background(maybe ability to just turn it off outright). My monitor is still going crazy from this one

mxxcon says...

Screenshot won't help since it's a monitor thing, not videocard. I tried to take photo of the monitor but it doesn't show up there. It is a really faint jiggling/fuzziness of sharp contrast page elements that are near such background. Like word "sarcasm" next to the checkbox when writing comments has vertical fuzziness.
It is kinda similar to when you connect some LCD monitors with VGA cable their menus have options like "pixel clock" and "phase"...Except I use DVI and can't adjust those.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Font size and contrast has been some pretty consistent feedback from Sifters. We'll definitely be tweaking this in the near future.

WRT the dark freaking out on your monitor. I can't really understand this. Would you possibly be able to post a screen shot? Or is it the kind of thing that only looks weird on your monitor? (maybe you could take a picture of your screen with a camera?)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lucky has tweaked the fonts to make them bigger and more readable. Let me know if this works for people having trouble.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Font size and contrast has been some pretty consistent feedback from Sifters. We'll definitely be tweaking this in the near future.

WRT the dark freaking out on your monitor. I can't really understand this. Would you possibly be able to post a screen shot? Or is it the kind of thing that only looks weird on your monitor? (maybe you could take a picture of your screen with a camera?)

ant says...

Yeah, the fonts are tiny for my old compound eyes too. I could tell my web browser to increase font size, but since others are having this problem then VS5 should fix that by default.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

So is it better for the old multi-faceted peepers now, after the tweak?

ant said:

Yeah, the fonts are tiny for my old compound eyes too. I could tell my web browser to increase font size, but since others are having this problem then VS5 should fix that by default.

Boise_Lib says...

Thanks, guys. We're getting there.
I'm like @bareboards2 (comment above), I've had to cut back on Vs viewing time because of eyestrain. The font is bigger--and therefore better--but the dark gray on light gray (see quoted text below) is still an eye killer for an old fart like me.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lucky has tweaked the fonts to make them bigger and more readable. Let me know if this works for people having trouble.

lucky760 says...

Thanks for the specific example of an issue, BL. That's one part of the lag in getting things changed is people tend not to provide examples about what elements on the page are at issue.

Boise_Lib said:

Thanks, guys. We're getting there.
I'm like @bareboards2 (comment above), I've had to cut back on Vs viewing time because of eyestrain. The font is bigger--and therefore better--but the dark gray on light gray (see quoted text below) is still an eye killer for an old fart like me.

lurgee says...

fixed. thank you sir!

lucky760 said:

I've made a tweak to something that auto-executes to keep the sidebar height correct because the way it's designed by PSD2HTML it often breaks.

Removing that, from what I can tell, may have been the issue causing the high CPU load.

Can everyone else who was monitoring it please check to see if it's been resolved?

CC: @dag, @ant, @gorillaman, @mxxcon

seltar says...

The Top videos, is now called "All time top videos" for some reason. Which is weird, because you are presented with a page of todays top videos.
Sure, you can select all time top, but that is not really what you are presented with initially.

Secondly, there's only one page of videos there. There used to be several pages of videos there. Is this because of lack of sifting, or some bug relating to the calculations of top videos?

And I'm really getting sick of the background texture. Could you perhaps make it optional?

And I still think the number of people in the sift lounge should be made more visible, and not only available through the pop-out menu. At least for users that can join (charters and silver+). This is of course to keep it from dying completely.

ant says...

That should be in the next version then.

lucky760 said:

That doesn't always automatically happen. @dag instabanned them and instabanning does not remove their comments.

If *spammer was invoked on their profile their comments would have been removed.

lucky760 says...

It's not a bug. There needs to be different ways to ban someone. If you don't necessarily want their comments to get deleted, Instaban is the right choice. *Spammer was specifically added as an alternative that would wipe out their comments.

ant said:

That should be in the next version then.

lucky760 says...

Thanks for letting us know. When a Charter member has custom styles defined, the default theme is overridden to their preference and the page was mistakenly forcing the "day" theme even if you don't have custom Charter styles.

This has been fixed.

chicchorea said:

Camino is still unusable for me. Will try the above again.

I am unable to effect Night Theme on my profile page...all others no prob.

Lilithia says...

If I try to submit a video via the bookmarklet, the page freezes for about 5 seconds ervery time I scroll up or down. This doesn't happen if I submit it manually.
Also, the fact that I only find out that a video has already been sifted after I fill out all the information keeps me from submitting anything. After the third time I filled out all the information for a dupe, I either have to go or I am too annoyed to try again. Previously, I only had to click the bookmarklet to see if a video was already on the sift.

bareboards2 says...

So.... maybe it is just my account....

But I have been awarded 5 power points that didn't get credited to my account.

1. 2 for #1 Vid
2. 2 for dag's lovely present for being Sift of the Week, on the same vid
3. 1 for getting a Pop Star badge.

At first, I thought it was my memory. But this last one... I definitely didn't get that point.

Fletch says...

I'm very late to this party, and I haven't read through all 154 comments yet. Sorry.

Juuuust a couple things...

- Is the quick pull-down for submitting videos and checking the status of your recent videos going to come back?

- There are still no updated/clear pop-ups when hovering over channels when submitting a new video, and the link to the FAQ still has NO USABLE INFORMATION.

- Still would like the quick html tags back when commenting, as well as the real-time preview.

From my limited experience with the changes so far, and a few comments I have read from other members, it seems as if encouraging less participation was the result, if not the goal.

chingalera says...

recycling videos in a profile from the picachoo would be nice again...liked the little arrows chasing one another...the old, rifling quickly through a user's random pqueue offerings makes hatching viddies with one vote to go, quick and painless!

chingalera says...

we miss these features as well...

Fletch said:

I'm very late to this party, and I haven't read through all 154 comments yet. Sorry.

Juuuust a couple things...

- Is the quick pull-down for submitting videos and checking the status of your recent videos going to come back?

- There are still no updated/clear pop-ups when hovering over channels when submitting a new video, and the link to the FAQ still has NO USABLE INFORMATION.

- Still would like the quick html tags back when commenting, as well as the real-time preview.

From my limited experience with the changes so far, and a few comments I have read from other members, it seems as if encouraging less participation was the result, if not the goal.

lucky760 says...

I'll need to work on siftbot's logic so it will recognize that you're at your limit. That's the case here. As described in the v5 announcement, everyone has a cap on the number of power points they can accumulate.

bareboards2 said:

So.... maybe it is just my account....

But I have been awarded 5 power points that didn't get credited to my account.

1. 2 for #1 Vid
2. 2 for dag's lovely present for being Sift of the Week, on the same vid
3. 1 for getting a Pop Star badge.

At first, I thought it was my memory. But this last one... I definitely didn't get that point.

lucky760 says...

The pop-up menu with your submission info will be coming back before too long. It's been highly requested and we want to restore its glory (in one way or another).

What is "updated/clear pop-ups" on channels? If you're suggesting we display the full channel description in the hover text, that's not very feasible.

No formatting buttons on the comment form for now.

Fletch said:

I'm very late to this party, and I haven't read through all 154 comments yet. Sorry.

Juuuust a couple things...

- Is the quick pull-down for submitting videos and checking the status of your recent videos going to come back?

- There are still no updated/clear pop-ups when hovering over channels when submitting a new video, and the link to the FAQ still has NO USABLE INFORMATION.

- Still would like the quick html tags back when commenting, as well as the real-time preview.

From my limited experience with the changes so far, and a few comments I have read from other members, it seems as if encouraging less participation was the result, if not the goal.

bareboards2 says...

I misread the announcement. I thought it was saying that we would get power points recharged based on the number of years we were active, which I thought was great.

It doesn't say anything like that -- my reading comprehension skills suck these days.

I must admit that I am also way way bummed by this. Some of us are feral, acquisitive creatures who respond well to positive reinforcement and work hard as lab rats pushing the bar to get our pellets. Having my pellets taken away is a harsh blow.... @dag, before you bestow Sift of the Week Power Points, 'twould be best to check to see if they can actually be bestowed. To have one's gift be yanked back... oh, the pain, the pain!

I can see the logic, though. Too much power can accumulate in the hands of those who are on the site more than others. That can have a dampening effect on less involved Sifters, in a variety of ways.

Plus... revenue. You guys need to get paid for all your work.

I am already mourning my reduced wealth. Five power points. Ripped from my womb. Damn.

lucky760 said:

I'll need to work on siftbot's logic so it will recognize that you're at your limit. That's the case here. As described in the v5 announcement, everyone has a cap on the number of power points they can accumulate.

lucky760 says...

Totally get the disappointment.

FYI, the decision had zero to do with earning revenue. (Income from Power Point purchases has always been and will always be inconsequential).

It was driven more by other things you hinted at.

bareboards2 said:

I misread the announcement. I thought it was saying that we would get power points recharged based on the number of years we were active, which I thought was great.

It doesn't say anything like that -- my reading comprehension skills suck these days.

I must admit that I am also way way bummed by this. Some of us are feral, acquisitive creatures who respond well to positive reinforcement and work hard as lab rats pushing the bar to get our pellets. Having my pellets taken away is a harsh blow.... @dag, before you bestow Sift of the Week Power Points, 'twould be best to check to see if they can actually be bestowed. To have one's gift be yanked back... oh, the pain, the pain!

I can see the logic, though. Too much power can accumulate in the hands of those who are on the site more than others. That can have a dampening effect on less involved Sifters, in a variety of ways.

Plus... revenue. You guys need to get paid for all your work.

I am already mourning my reduced wealth. Five power points. Ripped from my womb. Damn.

Fletch says...

Delay (about ten minutes and counting...) in voting for a video and being listed in the "who voted for this video" list, although the vote registers. Prolly not a big deal, but I noticed it.

Fletch says...

Not a lengthy description, just a clearer description. Hovering over Cult shows "CultSift". Dark shows "Dark". Military (although pretty self-explanatory) shows "Army, Navy And The Air Force". No Marines? News shows "What's Fit to Sift". Huh? Philosophy, for some reason, pops up "Philosophical Society". Mystery is still a mystery. WTF goes in WTF? Debunked helpfully returns "The Debunked Channel". Some of the channels are obvious, but many of the pop-ups are confusing or just parrot the name of the channel.

If lengthier, yet still concise pop-ups are not an option, at least link to a page that does list each channel and briefly and clearly details the types of videos the channel welcomes. The current link that tentative channel assigners are encouraged to refer to "before selecting any channels" (the FAQ link) is a dead end and no help whatsoever.

I would appreciate not having to go to every channel and read the description there just to make proper channel assignments for a single damn video. It seems making VS easier to use and navigate for new members and potential new members isn't a primary concern these days, but I'm sure they would appreciate it as well. Sorry if that sounds snarky.

Just to save posting another comment... I still can't see who's got their ass planted in Sift Lounge without having to join (although they're usually of the same lot of 5-10 cliquies).

lucky760 said:

What is "updated/clear pop-ups" on channels? If you're suggesting we display the full channel description in the hover text, that's not very feasible.

xxovercastxx says...

Then how can I get myself off of these group playlists that I was added to in VS4? It was annoying enough that I couldn't remove myself before, now I assume not even the owner can remove me.

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hey oritteropo - I hate to be the bringer of bad news - but I think we decided to disable group playlists- as they weren't getting a lot of love. :-(

lucky760 says...

Definitely another accidental omission that will need to be rectified (like the popup menu with queued/recent videos). Thanks for pointing that out.

xxovercastxx said:

How come we can no longer see backup embeds? Intentional or accidental omission?

lucky760 says...

Good point. I'll have to sweep through the database and wipe out any group playlist data.

xxovercastxx said:

Then how can I get myself off of these group playlists that I was added to in VS4? It was annoying enough that I couldn't remove myself before, now I assume not even the owner can remove me.

mintbbb says...

These are not bugs, but something I'd like to see tweaked:

In the 'Top Videos Library', 'Top Videos from the Last 24 Hours' now shows videos within 24 hours of them being submitted. This used to be 24 hours from when they sifted/were published. Could we go back to that, or maybe add option to choose Last 48 hours. This list is now awfully short, and most videos disappear from it real fast.

My 'sifted videos' used to be sorted: the newest to sift went on top. Now, they are sorted in the order I originally submitted them. I usually like to know which video just got sifted. Now I have to scroll down my videos and try to figure out which one is the newest.

Also: now when a video is killed, you can't read the comments any more. Lots of videos have interesting/fun comments, then they turned out to be dupes. But you were able to go back to the dupe and read the comments. I miss that

Also I cannot pinch/zoom/resize VS from my mobile devices. The site is doable on a tablet, but with a cell phone, it would be nice to be able to resize it and make the whole thing smaller.

Thanks, and sorry if these have been posted/addressed already!

rottenseed says...

Don't know if this thread is still getting any action but I have a question/bug. Maybe you designed it this way, but I used to use hot-keys such as CTRL+i for italics and CTRL+b for bold. That no worky anymore. Is this on purpose?

lucky760 says...

For the moment, the rich text comment editor has been disabled, but it's possible that we'll work on installing something like that again before too long.

rottenseed said:

Don't know if this thread is still getting any action but I have a question/bug. Maybe you designed it this way, but I used to use hot-keys such as CTRL+i for italics and CTRL+b for bold. That no worky anymore. Is this on purpose?

Deano says...

The RSS feeds I was using for skillful videos were so messed up (contant dupes and "new" items appearing again and again) so I deleted them.
I'll grab the new ones and hope for the best.

More importantly I can't see the remove video option when I want to get rid of a video from the skillful channel.

bareboards2 says...

I just noticed that I can't go back after I have posted a comment on someone's profile and make it private after the fact. My only option is to delete the whole thing.

Can we go back to being able to code a comment as private, after the fact?

bareboards2 says...

I promoted this vid, but it went to the right hand side instead of to the left hand side. Has the order been reversed? Or did I spent a promote on something that is going to fall off almost immediately?

This vid was in the middle, if that helps figure out what is going on (promoted 40 minutes before my promote):

PlayhousePals says...

@dag Hi guys ... I spent my two power points submitting a video that turned out to be a dupe [it wasn't caught when validating]. When I noticed it had already been posted [it was at the top of the related video list]. I killed it before it could be viewed. Now I'm out a submission AND my points. Glitch? I think SO

bareboards2 says...

Yep. I got tossed off the promote list before older vids did.

Don't know why that happened -- that is one serious bug, if you promote a vid but fall off the promote list first.

bareboards2 said:

I promoted this vid, but it went to the right hand side instead of to the left hand side. Has the order been reversed? Or did I spent a promote on something that is going to fall off almost immediately?

This vid was in the middle, if that helps figure out what is going on (promoted 40 minutes before my promote):

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hard to say on this one. Unless the video id is the same one, it's not truly a machine detectable dupe. I would give you more PP, but it looks like you are already at 2?

PlayhousePals said:

@dag Hi guys ... I spent my two power points submitting a video that turned out to be a dupe [it wasn't caught when validating]. When I noticed it had already been posted [it was at the top of the related video list]. I killed it before it could be viewed. Now I'm out a submission AND my points. Glitch? I think SO

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lucky will have to investigate this one - I haven't seen this happen before.

bareboards2 said:

Yep. I got tossed off the promote list before older vids did.

Don't know why that happened -- that is one serious bug, if you promote a vid but fall off the promote list first.

bareboards2 says...

I happened to notice that ching just gifted two points to@playhousePals. So she is fully recharged without doing a dang thing except be awesome!

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hard to say on this one. Unless the video id is the same one, it's not truly a machine detectable dupe. I would give you more PP, but it looks like you are already at 2?

kulpims says...

you could include a "current users" button in "users" tab in the main menu. now it only shows on the right side panel when you're up on sift talk page ...

Stingray says...

This may already be mentioned (TL; DR) but when browsing on My Nexus 7 tablet, I don't see page controls allowing me to go to the next page. They show up on my Samsung Galaxy S3 though.

Also I get a bunch of empty space at the end of each page (after the content, but before the footers).

rottenseed says...

Here's a bug: My latest video(s) have made it to the top 15. I have a ton of power points, beyond maxed out (that's not the bug, leave it alone)...when my video made it to the top 15 siftbot said he gave me a power point (which under the new rules, I am not capable of receiving more power points). That's fine and all, but I think it'd be better if you weren't capable of receiving power points, siftbot shouldn't say you got one. Just a minor programming thing, probably.

ant says...

An usability design that bugs me when editing my own posts. Save Changes and Cancel buttons are at the bottom of the edit form, but Submit and Preview button are below it too. It is confusing.

Deano says...


Go to a channel e.g I go to Skillful and click My recent comments. I then click a video link and I get an http error 500.

Mainly because the link includes the Skillful channel and often these videos in which I have made comments are not tagged as skillful.

lucky760 says...

Thanks for catching that Deano. Fixed that problem, which was just an issue of broken URLs being created.

Also fixed comment listings for channels so just comments from the current channel are listed. Before now they've always displayed all comments, but I guess no one every noticed.

Deano said:


Go to a channel e.g I go to Skillful and click My recent comments. I then click a video link and I get an http error 500.

Mainly because the link includes the Skillful channel and often these videos in which I have made comments are not tagged as skillful.

Grimm says...

I've noticed this for awhile and haven't bothered reporting it figuring it is on the "todo list" of fixes. But I don't think I see were this issue has been acknowledged.

Two things I have noticed about duped videos. First is if you look at the dupe all comments are missing...even the ones that show who called the dupe and who confirmed it. Maybe this is by design...but I liked having the option of reading the lost comments of the dupe because sometimes there is some gold their that doesn't get moved over to the original.

Also even though the dupe shows as being "killed" I am still able to upvote or downvote the video.

mintbbb said:

It got dupeof'd, so it redirects. But the dupe does not look 'killed' - and now of course I have already forgotten, how you could see if a video was killed in previous VS. There was a tag or something? Looking at my discarded and killed own videos, I see no flags,tags or anything.. mebbe I am too tired atm..

Also with dead videos.. the only indication seems to be 'fix the embed' link.

Anyway, with the dupe: the votes have been transerred, but I still see all the voters of the dupe. However, I do not see any comments on the dupe. I guess now 'comments have been lost in the ether at this killed duplicate.' is true.

bareboards2 says...

The list of who downvoted the vid is missing. Is that on purpose?

And this isn't a bug.... except to bug you.... there is something missing from Sift5 that us obsessed Sifters used all the time -- in the last version, if you put your cursor over your own name, a drop down menu would pop, showing you the details of your unsifted vids and your most recent published vids.

I miss it something awful. I know @eric3579 does, too.

Any chance it will come back, when there is time to "fix" it?

I'd appreciate knowing if it is NEVER coming back, so I can start my mourning process and can stop looking for it.

LiquidDrift says...

It won't let me submit iframe embeds from youtube. It also won't let me use the old embed, saying that it doesn't know the source and I'm not yet privileged enough to post from an unknown source.

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